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📽️ Session 1: The Current State of AI (August 2023)

Dror Poleg
Dror Poleg
1 min read

It was great to see everyone in the first session. Below you can find the recording, the slides, a link to the course chatroom, and your homework.

📺 Session Recording

Click here or below to watch the recording.

📈 Slides

💬 Course Chatroom

Please join our Slack workspace by clicking here. Then, head over to the #introductions channel and introduce yourself.

✍🏻 Homework

You are going to create a new simple web app, with ChatGPT's help.

  1. Log in to ChatGPT. Ask it to generate some code for a new app. You can begin by asking it something like: “Generate an html snippet for an app that does….”
  2. ChatGPT might give you two (or more) pieces of code for different files. If it does, ask it to provide a single snippet of code.
  3. To test your code, go to the HTML / JavaScript Tester.
  4. Click on “Show your output” at the top of the screen.  
    See and test your result in the lower right corner.
  5. Does it work? Want to make it even better? Go back to ChatGPT and instruct it on any changes you’d like (add features, change the design).
  6. Repeat until you’re happy with your app.
  7. Once you’re done, post your code on the Slack #show-your-work channel.
  8. Check out this part of the session recording for a live demonstration of the home work.

Please let me know if you have any questions. The easiest way is to message me on Slack.

Thank you.

Session Recordings

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