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📽️ Session 3: Analyzing & Visualizing Data (August 2023)

Dror Poleg
Dror Poleg
2 min read

It was great to see everyone in today's session. Below you can find the recording, the slides, a link to the course chatroom, and your homework.

📺  Recording

The tasks we covered in Session 3 are now organized into short videos in the self-paced learning library. It also includes a few use cases we didn't cover during the actual class.

If you still want to watch the full recording of the live session (with everyone's questions), you can find it at the bottom of this page.

📉 Slides

The slides for this session are less interesting as most of the action was on the shared screen. Still, here they are for your reference.

  • ChatGPT
  • Noteable for uploading and manipulating large datasets
  • Ana by TextQL as a free alternative to some of ChatGPT's data analysis capabilities
  • Highcharts GPT as a free alternative to some of ChatGPT's data visualization capabilities
  • Kaggle for datasets to experiment with

💬 Course Chatroom

If you haven't done so yet, please join our Slack workspace by clicking here. Then, head over to the #introductions channel and introduce yourself.

✍🏻 Homework #1

Have a look at Zapier’s list of compatible apps.

1. Which ones are you already using?

2. Think of a process that involves 2 or more apps that you’d like to automate? (e.g. one app triggers an action in another)

3. How can intelligence make this “zap” better? (i.e. by adding “human” judgment or creativity to the process)

✍🏻 Homework #1

  1. Go to:  and sign-up (for free)
  2. Try a few of the “recommended questions.”
  3. Write your own questions. You can use some basic data from your own work/life.
  4. Upload a file with data (Excel/CSV). Ask Ana some questions about it.

    You can ask it to make calculations and create charts with data. You can also ask it for recommendations on what can be done with the data.

Share your achievements (charts or insights) on #share-your-work

Live Session Recording

As mentioned above, the tasks we covered in Session 3 are now organized into short videos in the self-paced learning library, including additional materials and lessons.

If you still want to watch the full recording of the live session, here it is:

As always, I am available via email and on Slack for any questions you may have.


Session Recordings

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